Sunday, March 18, 2012

Aging Pickups: Humbuckers

Have you ever wanted your humbucker or humbuckers to look vintage? Reliced? Aged? Weel this post is here to teach you how to get that old vintage look on your humbuckers.

Believe me it's really easy. You only need some steel wool and your hands.

What you need to do is cut a thin strip of steel wool (so you can roughen up the areas between the pole pieces and the strings) The strings are protecting the area that they cover. You can go light or heavy with this, it's all up to you and how you want it to look.

Then lightly ware the finish down with the steel wool why? because it would be too shiny and people will wonder what the hell did you do to your pickups.

Lightly rub the steel wool around the sides to give it the full vintage look.

Lastly rub the steel wool on the pole pieces and you should be done.

please leave any comments or questions you have for me and good luck!

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